Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My transional hair journey

I've been saying to myself you have to start blogging again. Lazy me can't get to open a tab and do so. Something is always holding me back. Either editing, playing or researching something about my hair.

Yeah, my hair! I've been transitioning for the past 10 months. I transitioned before last year for 8 months until my sister convinced me that relaxed hair would look much better on the cruise. Deep down instead, I knew it would be better if my hair was braided in case I was going to the beach. I remember I got to Lababie (what Royal Caribbean calls Labadee but my spelling is the legit one), I had to get in the water! I wanted to submerge myself from head to toe in my home sea (can one claim such thing?!). I didn't get the full effect. I knew that relaxer was going to be last! I knew from the moment she took the roller out, I didn't like the limpness that I felt. I wanted this thick kinky texture back.

I did get it back but I was miserable with it. I'm picky about my whole head: I don't like to have just anyone touch my face or my hair. My sister has been the one doing my hair since I was a baby, I trust her with the relaxer and the braiding. But this time, she couldn't braid anymore due to carpal tunnel. I had to go through this journey with no braids and kept my hair as I was usually wear it: in a ponytail. Thus the beginning of my misery! I can't tell you how many combs I broke, how many times I've screamed WOYYY, how many tears I've shed and how many "Why am I doing this again?" I've said! It wasn't until my sister was in the hospital for her bypass that I saw my niece's hair that I got to touch and feel her hair that I said to myself, I AM DOING THIS!!! It was a turning point for me.

I started to do some researching sparringly. I had to take care of my sister post-op and take care of ME as well. It wasn't until the month of February that I've started looking religiously about it. All my research led me to all natural products. I took notes and see what they are great for. From the beginning, I knew I wasn't going to invest in all the hyped products, I was going to make my own. Needless to say I procrastinated. I had the unrefined Shea Butter for a few months now and I was dying to use it.

I finally bought the necessary products on March 19th. I remember sitting in the hospital visiting someone and said to my sister: "I'm ready!" It was understood that if I was going to do the big chop, my sister would be the one. Nobody would touch my hair! I'm very particular about that!

When I got home, I washed my hair, conditioned, took my phone to take some pics, found the scissors, sat down... I'm ready! My sister took the scissors, NADA! It wouldn't cut my hair! I called my boyfriend to find out where the other pair of scissors were, he didn't answer! I have to tell you I was livid! I was so mentally prepared for this! The longer time passed, the more I kept saying to myself what the heck am I doing?

I still haven't cut my hair, not because that I'm scared but it's just not the time yet. I am tired of the unruliness of my relaxed hair. They don't hold anything for long! I have to keep cool and be patient! It's not the time yet. Besides, I'm only a few weeks shy of one year, so I might as well wait right?

In the meantime, I'm doing all the research I can on natural products period! I also HOPE that I will post more regularly. It has been on my mind but when I get here, I just froze! For instance, this post took me 2 weeks to write. Not because I froze, just sheer forgetfulness! When I'm out and about, I get tons of ideas but no access to a PC. I will try my darnest to post more often! I promise!