Thursday, September 24, 2009

My first MAC Pro visit

I have been dreading this moment for years. I have been putting off going to the MAC Pro store for fear I would get too excited and spend money I don't have! Yes, it is possible to spend money you don't have!

Last Tuesday, since public transportation was free, I decided to make the trip to MAC Pro on St Denis Street. I thought it would be bigger than that! It was a teeny tiny bit of a place. I wasn't impressed at all. I figured I'd do my Back 2 MAC and head out. I said to myself chillax gurl! I took my time and started looking around. Let me tell you, they are right when they say that the MAC Pro products are more pigmented. Me, being the person that I am, I marched straight to the bright colors. I've always wanted to see Azalea, OH MY!! This baby is bright and beautiful! Azalea is this bright fuschia/magenta/reddish pink color that a brown sugar MUST have if you are not afraid of some colors on your cheeks. A little big goes a long way on my fat cheeks I'm telling you! There was also Rhubbard, I wonder if I should get that as well because it's slightly more tamed and on the plummer side of Azalea. I found out that was it discontinued, so I HAVE to get it soon. What I actually got - because it was the only thing on stock in a "case" - was Devil. Talk about beautiful bright intense orange color! OH MY!!! I said that already didn't I? That's how mesmerized I was by Azalea and Devil... Rhubbard too!

So I decided that I would get them aside from my 2 shadows for my back 2 MAC. Oh, what did I choose? I don't remember! LOL.. I had to go look at the empty boxes. I got Gorgeous Gold, Atlantic Blue which is a very beautiful violet blue color and it's not the same as Violet Trance though, Plumage. I wanted to get Naval or Prussian instead of Plumage but I figured with Plumage I'm killing two birds (green and blue dark matte color) with one stone.

Now I'm thinking of going back soon to get a palette for my blushes. At first, I didn't think that was necessary since most of my blushes are mineralized. Now it seems that I have an equal number of mineralized and regular blushes. Getting Azalea and Rhubbard will make it 6 regular blushes; therefore, I'll have enough to fill a palette. No rush though.

Enough rambling!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Catching up #1

I hope I won't have to do any of those series. But just in case, I'm going to number it.

I had a pretty busy weekend last week. On Saturday, despite all my effort, I was unable to make it to Bingo Night. That's why I didn't even look at the reviews and pics so I don't cry. Needless to say, I had a grand time at the party we were contracted to film. I was amongst people from my hometown, music from my hometown, classy party.. it was fun to film! I'm already editing it!

On Sunday, I woke up VERY sore! When you get up and trying to get out of bed and your back won't let you, you KNOW you are in trouble! Yet, I managed to do Shanty's christening video montage and simultaneously burn some 45 DVD's. Don't ask! Some kind soul went and got me some Robaxacet for my back which helped a whole lot!

That was also when I got my sister's message that she got a toothache and requires a root canal. OUCH! She just came out from a night stay at the ER for what I call a "vascular exfoliation". Now she needs to have a root canal. I'm just worried about her recent blood thinning (the vascular exfoliation folks!) treatment she got, her cardiac problems and the root canal how it will all affect her. I will definitely go with her to the dentist when it's going to be done.

On Monday, I had a doctor's appt. He had already received the results of my respiratory function tests. That's neat! Now it's next month for the allergy test which I am not looking forward to be poked! But if I must, I will. I don't know how something that I react to in my throat can cause a reaction on my skin? Like I told my doctor, during allergy classes by one of my favorite nursing teachers Pat Brown, I wasn't paying attention. Sorry Pat, it was the most boring class ever because it reminded me so much of Biology. But I do remember IgE LOL

I went to my sister's to keep her company for a while. She was dizzy, nauseous and in pain when I got there. We thought the antibiotics were already doing a number on her. So later on that day, I went to get her some yogurt. I also got her some rice pudding since she can't eat solid food. I've been there - not with a tooth abscess but infected wisdom tooth - so I know what she must be going through. I also lived on pudding for a while myself. We had fun! She was looking at the pics on my dead Palm and the video I made. She asked why I was so sad. I told her when I don't feel well at all, I took pics in case I die; she laughed at me. She saw a video I did when I was coughing up a storm to the point my butt would hurt where I said I'm gonna die. We both were in tears! HAHAHA you should have seen my face! It was pitiful! But in hide sight, I was feeling like I was dying for real: I couldn't talk without coughing, I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt, my butt hurt from coughing so damn much! But I'm glad I can look at it and laugh now.

What I did on Tuesday deserves its own entry. But before I do that I have to tell you about my new phone! Oh boy! I have a Blackberry Bold now. I am lost! I don't know what I'm doing! I'm used to my Treo touch screen. So everytime I'm looking for something I touch my screen and nothing moves! UGHHHHH! I HATEEEE the track ball! My right thumb is already hurting! OY VEY! I need to get this thing sorted out ASAP! I can't live like this!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bubble Butt

I know I mentioned it on my Facebook, but I have to further discuss this matter on here: BUBBLE BUTT!!! Let me explain myself, those of you are in their mid to late 30's and onward and have a big non-flat butt, don't you find a slight change in your buttocks? Don't you find that the fat has shifted? Upward? Making you have 2 cheeky bubbles and the bottom is starting to look like a toothless old lady's cheeks? I am very serious here! As you get older, the fat goes higher! I think that's the only part of your body that devies gravity as you age! Why can't it be like that for the rest of the body!?! Heck, I would have loved for my boobs to defy gravity as I age; they've always fought gravity from the moment they started to emerge. Enough about my boobs! Let's get back on the butt issue.

If you're not in that stage yet, take a look at your mom, aunts and family members who are in their 40's onward. Let me know if that's not what you see: BUBBLE BUTT! I'm wondering if there is a device that can massage the fat and disperse it back to where it came from. Maybe those anti-aging freaks are not aware of that phenomena. I'm sure if they did, they would either come up with something to fix it or take advantage of it to fight the sagging process caused by aging! Maybe the mass is not even aware! Well ladies, it's time to turn around in the mirror and look at your butt that's about to take off! TOWER 1, ready for lift off!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Am I a slave to makeup?

A bit! Okay, I admit it! But I have good reasons!

You all know I've been buying makeup left, right and center. It has gotten cumbersome with all these eye shadows in boxes. Hubert started to wonder! People coming to my place, using my bathroom have been asking all sort of questions: Do you get discounts? Are you a makeup artist? When do you wear makeup because I never see you makeup? Bann jouda! (For my English speaking friends it means noisy. There goes your Kreyol lesson 101!)

Recently, I've bought me 2 palettes that got stolen along with my purse ARGHHH. I went and purchased 2 more. I thought depoting MAC eye shadows would be such a chore but it wasn't quite the case, despite the fact I depoted 30 of them! I forgot 1 step: the magnet! So I went to Wal-Mart to buy them. I had no clue what I was supposed to buy, I just saw "magnet sheets" and I went to pay! I came home, cut them, put them in the palette, that didn't work! I said to myself I'll go to Omer to buy some real magnet sheets.

So today, I went online to see what magnet sheets I needed to find out I had MAGNET SHEETS! Stupid me!!! I was just putting them the wrong: not the glue part in the palette but the glue part under the pan so it can adhere to the magnet inside the palette! DUHHHHH

Now I've been cutting nickle size pieces of magnet sheets, about 40 of them! Removing the glue - with heat - the label I placed on the back (I had removed the label on the back of the container to place it in the back of each pan) of all the pans I depoted last week. That burns!!! Oh lawd!! Place the magnet pieces, then place back the unglued label. Crazy eh?

My nails are nasty now! There is no way I'll be going to the hospital with nasty nails so I'm going to slap some nail polish of them!

The only thing about it is I'm very happy that my shadows will not be taking a lot of spaces in the boxes and such. OHHHHHH that's another thing I have: I love to keep things in their boxes. Do you do that? I can't help it! I have to tell you my back 2 MAC story another time! Now got to do my nasty nails!

I'm tired of not working!

If you're on my facebook, you'll know that I've been off work for the past 3 months. I've gotten sick with Laryngitis then Bronchitis with asthma like symptoms. Everytime I'd go back to work, I can't stop coughing. It became quite clear it was an allergic reaction. Now, I'm still awaiting some tests. Tomorrow will be my second respiratory test where I would be provoked to see if I'm asthmatic or not. I'm not looking forward to that!

At first it was okay, I was resting - in between coughs - which was well needed. Now that my pay is not what it used to be and I'm working more at home than before, it ain't fun no more! I want to go back! I'm broke! I hate being broke! Well, I'm not broke "broke" but that's the money I used to roll with. I am starting to get tired of editing videos and dealing with photos!

As much as I love it, my boyfriend doesn't make it fun! Oh boy! He's a slave driver sometimes! He thinks in two days I can finish a wedding with over 4 hour of film! Ohh, he wants me to reduce that to 2 hours max! You don't ask a woman to do that! I get attached to beautiful moments! After editing together for 2 hours, I finally snapped at him. He went out for some KFC and we were back on track!

I guess you can say KFC makes the world goes 'round! KFC, make up food! LOL I must say, I am happy with the two and a half hour we finally settled on. Next project please! OH NO!