Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Catching up #1

I hope I won't have to do any of those series. But just in case, I'm going to number it.

I had a pretty busy weekend last week. On Saturday, despite all my effort, I was unable to make it to Bingo Night. That's why I didn't even look at the reviews and pics so I don't cry. Needless to say, I had a grand time at the party we were contracted to film. I was amongst people from my hometown, music from my hometown, classy party.. it was fun to film! I'm already editing it!

On Sunday, I woke up VERY sore! When you get up and trying to get out of bed and your back won't let you, you KNOW you are in trouble! Yet, I managed to do Shanty's christening video montage and simultaneously burn some 45 DVD's. Don't ask! Some kind soul went and got me some Robaxacet for my back which helped a whole lot!

That was also when I got my sister's message that she got a toothache and requires a root canal. OUCH! She just came out from a night stay at the ER for what I call a "vascular exfoliation". Now she needs to have a root canal. I'm just worried about her recent blood thinning (the vascular exfoliation folks!) treatment she got, her cardiac problems and the root canal how it will all affect her. I will definitely go with her to the dentist when it's going to be done.

On Monday, I had a doctor's appt. He had already received the results of my respiratory function tests. That's neat! Now it's next month for the allergy test which I am not looking forward to be poked! But if I must, I will. I don't know how something that I react to in my throat can cause a reaction on my skin? Like I told my doctor, during allergy classes by one of my favorite nursing teachers Pat Brown, I wasn't paying attention. Sorry Pat, it was the most boring class ever because it reminded me so much of Biology. But I do remember IgE LOL

I went to my sister's to keep her company for a while. She was dizzy, nauseous and in pain when I got there. We thought the antibiotics were already doing a number on her. So later on that day, I went to get her some yogurt. I also got her some rice pudding since she can't eat solid food. I've been there - not with a tooth abscess but infected wisdom tooth - so I know what she must be going through. I also lived on pudding for a while myself. We had fun! She was looking at the pics on my dead Palm and the video I made. She asked why I was so sad. I told her when I don't feel well at all, I took pics in case I die; she laughed at me. She saw a video I did when I was coughing up a storm to the point my butt would hurt where I said I'm gonna die. We both were in tears! HAHAHA you should have seen my face! It was pitiful! But in hide sight, I was feeling like I was dying for real: I couldn't talk without coughing, I couldn't breathe, my chest hurt, my butt hurt from coughing so damn much! But I'm glad I can look at it and laugh now.

What I did on Tuesday deserves its own entry. But before I do that I have to tell you about my new phone! Oh boy! I have a Blackberry Bold now. I am lost! I don't know what I'm doing! I'm used to my Treo touch screen. So everytime I'm looking for something I touch my screen and nothing moves! UGHHHHH! I HATEEEE the track ball! My right thumb is already hurting! OY VEY! I need to get this thing sorted out ASAP! I can't live like this!

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